I started getting this error on our production Windows 2012 server running IIS 8.5:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'MERCHANTmydoc.documentElement'
The error seems to occur on this line:
Set MERCHANTmydoc=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlDOM")
No code was changed and the API has not changed (according to merchant support) when this started. I tested this same API string (inserting valid values) with Postman and got a valid reply, so I know the credentials work. I am beginning to suspect an issue with IIS, but don't know how to proceed.
MERCHANTstrXML = "<txn><ssl_merchant_ID>" & MERCHANT_ID & "</ssl_merchant_ID><ssl_user_id>" & MERCHANT_USER & "</ssl_user_id><ssl_pin>" & MERCHANT_PIN & "</ssl_pin><ssl_transaction_type>ccsale</ssl_transaction_type><ssl_card_number>" & merchant_card_number & "</ssl_card_number><ssl_exp_date>" & merchant_exp_date & "</ssl_exp_date><ssl_amount>" & merchant_trans_amount & "</ssl_amount><ssl_salestax>" & merchant_sales_tax & "</ssl_salestax>" & merch_indicator_var & "<ssl_cvv2cvc2>" & merchant_cvv2_code & "</ssl_cvv2cvc2><ssl_invoice_number>" & merchant_invoice_number & "</ssl_invoice_number><ssl_customer_code>" & merchant_customer_code & "</ssl_customer_code><ssl_first_name>" & merchant_first_name & "</ssl_first_name><ssl_last_name>" & merchant_last_name & "</ssl_last_name><ssl_avs_address>" & merchant_add1 & "</ssl_avs_address><ssl_avs_zip>" & merchant_zip & "</ssl_avs_zip><ssl_email>" & merchant_email & "</ssl_email><ssl_test_mode>" & MERCHANT_Test_Mode & "</ssl_test_mode></txn>"
if session("CHARGED") = "YES" then
'Do nothing
Set MERCHANTxmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
MERCHANTxmlhttp.Open "POST","https://api.convergepay.com/VirtualMerchant/processxml.do?xmldata=" & MERCHANTstrXML,false
MERCHANTresponsexml = MERCHANTxmlhttp.responseText
Set MERCHANTmydoc=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlDOM")
MERCHANTmydoc.async= false
I found a script to test xml requests and got this error: Sending XML data to http://localhost:8096/cart/receive3.asp msxml3.dll error '80072efd'
A connection with the server could not be established
/cart/post3.asp, line 12
These are the scripts I used
'// URL to which to send XML data
Response.Write "Sending XML data to " & URL & "<br/>"
information = "<Send><UserName>test</UserName><PassWord>user</PassWord><Data>100</Data></Send>"
Set xmlhttp = server.Createobject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "POST", url, false
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
xmlhttp.send information
'// Report the response from the called page
response.write "Response received:<hr/><span style='color:blue'>" & xmlhttp.ResponseText & "</span><hr/>"
Dim objXmlRequest
Set objXmlRequest = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDOCUMENT.3.0")
IF objXmlRequest.Load (Request) THEN
strQuery = "//UserName"
Set oNode = objXmlRequest.selectSingleNode(strQuery)
strActionName = oNode.Text
response.write "success! user name is " & strActionName
Response.Write "Failed to load XML file, reason: " & objXmlRequest.parseError.reason
The actual cause of the Object required (which was the initial question) is to do with the assumptions being made about the call out to the 3rd party API.
After calling Send()
on the XmlHttp object you should always check what is being returned before doing anything with it, the easiest way is to check the Status
in the response that is returned.
Option Explicit
Dim request_xml: request_xml= "..." 'Assumed valid XML
Dim xhr: Set xhr = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
Call xhr.Open ("POST","https://api.convergepay.com/VirtualMerchant/processxml.do?xmldata=" & request_xml, False)
Call xhr.Send()
'Check we have a success HTTP response code.
If Left(xmlhttp.Status, 1) = 2 Then
Dim response_xml: response_xml = xhr.responseText
Dim xml: Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xml.Async= False
Call xml.LoadXml(response_xml)
Call Response.Write("Error calling API - " & xhr.Status)
End If
The error occurs because the API is not sending back a valid XML response so LoadXml()
fails. This means when calling MERCHANTmydoc.documentElement
the MERCHANTmydoc
isn't instantiated.