
How to signal errors / failures in iOS App Intents?

the new AppIntents allow a simple code-driven implementation for Siri Shortcuts. In the perform() function we need to return some IntentResult or throw an error if something went wrong.

My question now is: How do I throw an error that can then be inspected by the user? Let's say the user wants to interact with a CoreData object that he has deleted earlier. Now he/she runs the shortcut and it must fail, because the object is not available. I tried to implement a custom LocalizedError, but in the Shortcuts app I only get an error message telling me something about an unknown error. The description text is not shown in Shortcuts.

Feedback ID: FB11434135

Kind regards


  • I couldn't find any documentation on this, but during the migration of my intents I ended up using a property localizedStringResource like this:

    struct MyIntent: AppIntent {
        static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Start My Intent"
        func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
            if !doSomething() {
                throw MyIntentError.message("Hello, I'm an error!")
            return .result(dialog: IntentDialog("My answer"))
        func doSomething() -> Bool {
            return false
    enum MyIntentError: Swift.Error, CustomLocalizedStringResourceConvertible {
        case general
        case message(_ message: String)
        var localizedStringResource: LocalizedStringResource {
            switch self {
            case let .message(message): return "Error: \(message)"
            case .general: return "My general error"