Hi everyone I use appDynamics library and the documentation only explains with groovy Gradle, I have a problem with converting the groovy Gradle script to kotlin Gradle DSL and I have tried several ways and several syntaxes and I even used converting tools from groovy to Kotlin Gradle also didn't solve the problem following script with groovy Gradle
adeum {
account {
name 'xxx'
licenseKey 'yyyy'
proguardMappingFileUpload {
failBuildOnUploadFailure true //should build fail if upload fails? Defaults to false.
enabled true //enables automatic uploads. Defaults to true.
[Error][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/tet7q.png
and also i have to mention that the groovy is working fine
The problem is in some plugins in kts you have to use closure to determine the plugin packages
adeum {
account(closureOf<com.appdynamics.android.gradle.ADPluginExtension.Account> {
this.name ="xxx"
this.licenseKey ="yyy"
proguardMappingFileUpload(closureOf<com.appdynamics.android.gradle.ADPluginExtension.ProguardConfig> {
this.failBuildOnUploadFailure = true
this.enabled = true