My 'Home' controller gets data and stores it all inside its $data
array. This array will be passed to the view (the setOutput()
method) and echo'ed there. Now I have a 'Header' controller that does the exact same thing as the 'Home' controller. Getting data, passing it to the header view, etc. How do I load my page header into the 'Home' view?
I tried to load the 'Header' controller into $data['header']
, within my 'Home' controller, but it returns the entire header object (header controller class).
Controller looks like this:
class Home extends Controller {
public function index() {
// Stores data in data variable
$data = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'key' => 'value',
'etc' => 'another'
$data['header'] = $this->load->controller('path/to/header');
// Send data to view file
$this->response->setOutput($data, 'home');
setOutput($data, 'home')
method looks like this:
I thought I might need to render the header object here in some way?
public function setOutput($data = array(), $route) {
$path = explode('/', trim($route, '/'));
$file = end($path);
$incl = '';
foreach ($path as $dir) {
if ($dir != $file) {
$incl .= $dir . '/';
$incl .= $file . '.php';
require_once(DIR_VIEW . $incl);
Will a lot is unkown what is behind your methods it is hard to answer. But i think the the problem for your question is:
Your mehtods dont have return type (string) they print the output directly.
At least this is what the require_once
of a view file looks like.
If you want to keep this architecture, you may need to use output buffering with ob_start()
and ob_get_cean()
and so on...
$data['header'] = ob_get_clean();
What @Code4R7 seems also true to me. Seems like an unfamiliar usage of MVC.