Using iccube reporting V8.2.2, I'm trying to change the height of items inside a Tree Filter using custom theme definition.
With following code in my theme definition TS file, I succeeded in changing the item height from 38px (default defined somewhere I don't know) to 22px :
FilterTree: {
variants: [
props: {variant: 'My Own Tree'},
style: {
".ic3VirtualizedTreeItem-root": {
height: '22px !important',
}, ...
But this changes only the height of the item, not it's position, which seems to be calculated somewhere... and not using the new height I defined.
How can I define this top property for all the items correctly ? In this exemple, I want 44px (2 * 22) instead of 76px (2 * 38)
The tree filter uses virtualization (using react-window), and thus needs a set height for each item in the tree. This cannot be done using CSS. For release 8.3.0, we plan to add an option in the theme, theme.ic3.treeFilter.itemHeight
, which you can use to change the height of the items.