How do I add a blur effect to a webRTC video track? I am building a video call app using WebRTC and I need to blur the background of the person using my app and also blur all of the video coming from the other side for security reasons. (Random people can call in, so bluring all of their video is a security measure that you can turn off when you feel comfortable).
Some of the code for how I start local video capture
private var videoCapturer: CameraVideoCapturer = getCamera()
private fun getCamera(isFrontFacing: Boolean = true): CameraVideoCapturer {
return Camera1Enumerator(true).run {
deviceNames.find {
if (isFrontFacing)
}?.let {
createCapturer(it, null)
} ?: throw IllegalStateException()
fun startLocalVideoCapture(localVideoOutput: SurfaceViewRenderer, localVideoOutputPiP: SurfaceViewRenderer? = null, localVideoOutputInAppPip: SurfaceViewRenderer? = null, isMicOn: Boolean = true) {
val localVideoSource = peerConnectionFactory.createVideoSource(false)
val surfaceTextureHelper = SurfaceTextureHelper.create(Thread.currentThread().name, rootEglBase.eglBaseContext)
(videoCapturer as VideoCapturer).initialize(surfaceTextureHelper, localVideoOutput.context, localVideoSource.capturerObserver)
videoCapturer.startCapture(1280, 962, 24)
localVideoTrack = peerConnectionFactory.createVideoTrack(LOCAL_TRACK_ID, localVideoSource)
val localAudioTrack = peerConnectionFactory.createAudioTrack(
LOCAL_AUDIO_TRACK_ID, peerConnectionFactory.createAudioSource(MediaConstraints())
localStream = peerConnectionFactory.createLocalMediaStream(LOCAL_STREAM_ID)
videoSender = peerConnection?.addTrack(localVideoTrack, arrayListOf(LOCAL_STREAM_ID))
peerConnection?.addTrack(localAudioTrack, arrayListOf(LOCAL_STREAM_ID))
And how I receive the video:
override fun onAddStream(p0: MediaStream?) {
if (p0?.videoTracks?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
remoteVideoTrack = p0.videoTracks?.get(0)
if (p0?.audioTracks?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
remoteAudioTrack = p0.audioTracks?.get(0)
I'll try to explain as much as possible.
To blur your own feed, you need to do some pre processing on your video frames before sending. And how to do that?
1.1 Instead of using CameraVideoCapturer/VideoCapturer, extend the VideoCapturer class and process your frames there before calling sendFrame()/onFrameAvailable()
1.2 First create a bytearray/bitmap of your camera feed.
1.3 Use OpenCV to manipulate your frames (Blurring the background in your case)
1.4 Convert the frames from bitmap to webrtc video frame and pass it to the function inside your extended VideoCapturer to be sent to webrtc (Explained on step 1)
How to blur remote video?