
How to call a printing function with more than two arguments on ERLANG?

So I've wrote this program that takes 1 String Argument and print it as following:



sayhi({greeting, Greeting}) -> io:fwrite(Greeting).

then I call the function as following (from terminal).


sayhi:sayhi({greeting, "HELLO!\n"}).

Until now everything is good.

But When I try to implement 2 arguments, I get error: *** argument 1: wrong number of arguments

Here is my Code:


sayhi({greeting, Greeting}, {name, Name}) -> io:fwrite(Greeting, Name).

When I call my function:

sayhi:sayhi({greeting, "Hola "}, {name, "Sam"}).

The program Runs successfully but does not give me the output needed. does the problem come from my statement of calling the function?

And what if I had 3, or even 10 arguments?


  • Erlang has a comprehensive documentation on all of its built-in functions, such as io:fwrite/1, io:fwrite/2, io:fwrite/3 (can be found here).

    If you want to use the function with 1 argument, then you can call it like this:

    io:fwrite(Greeting ++ Name). %% '++' is nothing but appending strings
    io:fwrite(Greeting ++ Name ++ NextParam1 ++ NextParam2). %% You can then expand it as needed

    When using 2 arguments, i.e. write(Format, Data), then:

    io:fwrite("~s~s", [Greeting, Name]).
    io:fwrite("~s~s~s~s", [Greeting, Name, NextParam1, NextParam2]). %% You can also expand as needed