
Exporting Nested Json Values to CSV using powershell

I have been trying to loop through a list of .json config files to pull out 'name','entity_id','contact_info','sp_endpoint'. I have been trying to take the following code block, and dump it into a csv that lists each of the values in a column, and each row pertains to the file that value belongs to.

  "sfg_ping::qa::standard_sp_connections": [
      "name": "test",
      "entity_id": "test",
      "contact_info": "",
      "sp_endpoint": "test",
      "sso_initialization_and_signature_policy": {
        "sign_assertion_or_response": "response",
        "sp_trust_model": "anchored",
        "signing_certificate_id": "test",
        "sp_initiated": {
          "require_signed_authn_requests": true,
          "primary_verification_certificate": "test"

I have been using this script to try and accomplish this, but it dumps empty values, and doesnt handle a bulk list of files.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\user\appdev\powershell-scripts\spConnections" |
ForEach-Object { 
    {(Select-String -Pattern 'name' )}
    {(Select-String -Pattern 'entity_id' )}
    {(Select-String -Pattern 'contact_info' )}
    {(Select-String -Pattern 'sp_endpoint' )}
    }| Export-Csv "C:\Users\user\appdev\powershell-scripts\export.csv"

The intended output would be something like this:

| filename | name | entityid |
|:---------|:----:| --------:|
| test     | test | test     |

Really lost here and just looking for some direction.


  • Seems like you can get the desired information from your Json files by following this logic, however it assumes that the Json files only have one parent Property, like sfg_ping::qa::standard_sp_connections but this would work with any Property Name as long as there is only one.

    Get-ChildItem path\to\thejsonfolder -Filter *.json -PipelineVariable file | ForEach-Object {
        (Get-Content $_ -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json).PSObject.Properties.Value | Select-Object @(
            @{ N = 'FileName'; E = { $file.Name }}, 'Name', 'entity_id', 'contact_info', 'sp_endpoint'
    } | Export-Csv path\to\myexport.csv -NoTypeInformation

    The result I get for this using 2 different Json files:

    FileName   name  entity_id contact_info   sp_endpoint
    --------   ----  --------- ------------   -----------
    test.json  test  test  test
    test2.json test2 test2 test2

    If they all had the same parent Property Name then:

    (Get-Content $_ -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json).PSObject.Properties.Value

    Could be replaced by:

    (Get-Content $_ -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json).'sfg_ping::qa::standard_sp_connections'