I have query like this:
query {
organizations {
itemA {
"data": {
"organizations": [
"id": 123,
"name": "first org",
"itemA": {
"fieldA": "some value A",
"fieldB": "other value B",
"id": 321,
"name": "other org",
"itemA": {
"fieldA": "other value A",
"fieldB": "value B",
One user have access to multiple organizations, but with different access rights for each org.
I need to have organization.id when fieldA
and fieldB
are resolved to validate access.
I tried to use context.merge_scoped!(organiozation_id: org.id)
in resolver for a field, that returns single org.
Looks like it do what I need, child fields received correct value in context
but I'm not sure. There is no documentation for that method and for scoped_context
in general.
Also, if scoped_context
is what I need, how can I set it for a list of items?
UPD: sample query
query {
organizations { // I need to pass item of this list to resolver of ItemA
otherModel {
itemA // access depened on organization`
Feature was documented in newer version: https://graphql-ruby.org/queries/executing_queries.html#scoped-context