I am using string in the below format where i need to iterate the strings seperated by ",":
ex: fare.details.type!="AB", id.name.first=="QWERT"
fare.details.type is a field defined in a protobuf file.
First i split the string using "," to get different conditions and then I tried to split the string using delimeter as the operators "==", "!=" and "~=".
String[] operator = string.split("==|\\!=|\~=");
In the end i need to do a comparison of the string in the below format. Using the split operator i don't get the exact operator which is used exactly in the string.
if (fare.details.type!="AB")
Please help if anyone knows how to approach it or if can split it it some other way.
Are you trying to extract the operator and the operands from each expression? Maybe you should try de regex Pattern API.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^(.+)(==|\\!=|\\~=)(.+)");
String string = "fare.details.type!=\"AB\";
Matcher m = p.matcher(string);
if (m.find()) {
String fieldPath = m.group(1);
String operator = m.group(2);
String value = m.group(3);