
Finding lines from blobs in raster file (python)

I have a binary raster file and want to find straight lines connecting several points in python. The lines should be straight connecting points but are able to vary in the angle of the line. Here is an example of the binary raster, in which I search for connecting lines:

raster example

I was thinking that there is a good chance for a python library helping with it. So far I just found things like RANSAC or linear regression but I do not want to find only one line for all points neither do I want to group several points manually before generating the lines (thinking that chances are too high for missing possibilities out).

I thought about building the centroids of the blobs and afterwards connecting suitable centroids to straight lines. At this point my two main problems are:

  1. How to divide the blobs and get their centroids
  2. How to iterate through the the centroids in an effective pattern without fearing to miss or double lines

For 1. I tried using opencvs' findcontour but I received an error which told me that I cannot use multi banded images (I am working with tif)


  • Here's an idea for a "brute force" type of approach. I haven't thought too much about how long it might take, or parallelising it for the moment.

    Here's a more concrete example...

    Let's say you have 10 blobs. All pixels of the first blob will get labelled as 0. All pixels of the second blob will get labelled as 1, and so on. Your labelled image will have 10 unique values or maybe 11 with a background. Now starting at centroid of first blob, generate lines at each angle from 0..179. For each line, get the coordinates of all points on the line and add 32,768 to those points. Now count the number of unique values of your image. If the line intersected blob 5, there will be the value 32768+5 in your image. If it interesected blob 8, there will be the new value 32768+8 in your image. So now the number of unique values in your image will be the original 10 plus the two new ones (32768+5 and 32768+8) so you'll know this line intersects 2 blobs.