I am pretty new to ReactJs & trying to make a project to learn. I am using PrimeReact UI Component Library. Everything is working fine but facing issue with accessing row data into functions.
Reference - https://www.primefaces.org/primereact/splitbutton/
If I click on action button then it is showing data
Please help me out in this. Thanks in Advance.
import { DataTable } from "primereact/datatable";
import { SplitButton } from "primereact/splitbutton";
/* split button items*/
const items = [
label: "Update",
icon: "pi pi-refresh",
command: (e) => {
console.log(e); /* Need to receive row data here */
/* I am getting {item:{label: 'Update',icon: 'pi pi-refresh',command: (e) },originalEvent:{...}} I have check originalEvent.target but no data is there */
label: "Delete",
icon: "pi pi-times",
command: (e) => {
console.log(e); /* Need to receive row data here */
/* data to show */
const griddata = [
name: "Tivaprasad Reddy",
employeeId: "da9d1448-e1bd-4dad-9d57-dddf655c8ecf",
mobile: "7099111460",
Status: "SCREENING",
addedBy: "anil kumar",
addedOn: "2022-02-22T15:04:00.382+00:00",
name: "Mukesh Bhutani",
employeeId: "bcdefa7a-6c4d-4ac1-bd6d-025e88e08f62",
mobile: "9582111515",
Status: "SCREENING",
addedBy: "anil kumar",
addedOn: "2022-02-22T15:05:02.416+00:00",
const splitBtn = (d) => {
console.log(d); /* Getting data here*/
const buttonTemplate = (data) => (
onClick={(e) => splitBtn(data)}
return (
<div className="card">
<Column field="name" header="Name"></Column>
<Column field="Title" header="Title"></Column>
<Column field="Status" header="Status"></Column>
{/* <Column field="Action" header="Action" body={editTemplate}></Column> */}
<Column field="Action" header="Action" body={buttonTemplate}></Column>
This confused me for a while too until I came to realize it was actually pretty simple :')
You just have to use the "rowData" parameter that comes in the callback function of the "body" property of the "Column" element.
Here <Column field="Action" header="Action" body={buttonTemplate}></Column>
the "buttonTemplate" callback function is already carrying the row data and presenting it in the first parameter.
So convert the "items" variable into a function that passes over that "data" parameter to your items just like this
const items = (data) => ([
label: "Update",
icon: "pi pi-refresh",
command: (e) => {
console.log(e, data);
label: "Delete",
icon: "pi pi-times",
command: (e) => {
console.log(e, data);
const buttonTemplate = (data) => (
onClick={(e) => splitBtn(data)}
I hope this has been helpful