
How do I upload a pdf in Notes & Files section of a specific Opportunity in salesforce?

I am using python salesforce client, simple_salesforce to create Opportunities in salesforce. I am trying to upload pdf in Notes & Files section of a specific Opportunity object but unable to find any example or source, will appreciate help.

Here's how I am creating opportunity:

from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
sf = Salesforce(username=username, password=security_token)
sf.Opportunity.create({'Name':organization_name,'Amount':priceTotal, "Profitability__c": netMargin, "proposal_id__c": proposal_id'), "StageName": "Qualification", "CloseDate": str(})


  • I found the solution:

    from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
    sf = Salesforce(username=username, password=security_token)
        # retrieving object id
        opportunity_id = opportunity.get('records')[0].get('Id')
        file_name = path_of_file
        # uploading pdf
        fields = {'title' : f"{}",'PathOnClient' : f"{file_name}.pdf",'VersionData' : encoded_string.decode('ascii')}
        content_version_id = sf.ContentVersion.create(fields)
        query = f"SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id= '{content_version_id['id']}'"
        cdId = sf.query(query)
        tr = sf.ContentDocumentLink.create({"ContentDocumentId": cdId['records'][0]['ContentDocumentId'],"LinkedEntityId": opportunity_id,"Visibility": "AllUsers"})
        print("pdf uploaded")
    except Exception as e: