
Stop all audio when a new one is playing

I'm trying to code a playlist. I'd like to start an audio when the title of the audio is clicked. For now it works, but when I click a title and then others, previous songs clicked are not stopped so they are all playing at the same time. Here is my html :

     <div class="audio" onclick=
      algebra suicide father by the door 
     <div class="audio"onclick=
     algebra suicide in bed with boys 

     <div class="audio"onclick=
     april magazine parade

and this is my js :

function playAudio(src) {
  new Audio(src).play();

I'm a novice, I know the answer is probably very simple but I tried a lot of things and nothing worked.

I hope someone here can help me ! Thank you :)


  • The simplest would be to keep a reference to the current audio (if any) and .pause() it.

    let audio;
    function pauseAudio() {
      // If audio is not undefined and if is playing, pause it
      if (audio && !audio.paused) {
        audio.currentTime = 0; // Rewind track to beginning (if needed?)
    function playAudio(src) {
      pauseAudio();             // Pause any currently playing
      audio = new Audio();      // Save a reference
      audio.src = src;;

    Also, stop using inline JS on* handlers in HTML. JavaScript should be in one place only and that's its respective tag of file.


    <button type="button" data-audio="lorem.wav">Lorem</button>
    <button type="button" data-audio="ipsum.wav">Ipsum</button>
    <button type="button" data-audio="dolor.wav">Dolor</button>
    let audio;
    function pauseAudio() {
      // If audio is not undefined and if is playing, pause it
      if (audio && !audio.paused) {
        audio.currentTime = 0; // Rewind track to beginning (is you need this)
    function playAudio(src) {
      pauseAudio();             // Pause any currently playing
      audio = new Audio();      // Save a reference
      audio.src = src;;
    document.querySelectorAll("[data-audio]").forEach((elAudioBtn) => {
      const src =;

    Find out more about: data-* attributes.