I have done a lot of research to find code examples for this, or simillar question but I didn't find any.
I have a react app that has some customer requests
in it, and I want to show next to each request something like: 'before: 2 Days, 4 Hours, 56 Minutes.'
I want to calculate the difference between the current Date and the time the request was sent, and analyze this difference to days, hours, and minutes.
note: The date difference won't be longer than one month.
I know that I can do: dt1 - dt2
to get the difference, But this returns a long integer which is hard to analyze.
Edit: It suppose to be like this:
days + hours + minutes == difference
So if you try to convert days,hours,minutes
to milliseconds and sum them together, it should result simillar difference of (d1-d2)
Any ideas? Thanks for the help!
What you are looking for better human readability. There are multiple packages that would achieve that.
For your use case user this https://www.npmjs.com/package/humanize-duration
humanizeDuration(dt1-dt2) // Will result in what you want