How can I calculated precision . I have the total corpus
contains 4000 different sentences
. If I did semantic search and got 4 sentences are relevant
and one is not relevant
which k=5
. How can I measure it precision here ? i'm so confused and hope get help
the corpus
contains 4000 sentences
and there 20 sentences talked about the food.
My query is searching for "Sam eat the food "
and k=5
gave me the top score using cosine similarity
4 sentences semantically right
and there is one is false
here does p1 means k =1 , p2 means k =2 ? so if this is right . will k=1 means that the search for the first sentence has zero result? and for k = 2 , the percentage is 31 ? and so on ?
Precision comes in two ways. Overall precision is the ratio of relevant results among all the search results returned. Precision@k is the ratio of relevant results among the top-k search results returned.
Therefore your precision@5 will be:
precision@5 = relevant_results_at_5 / total_search_results_at_5 = 4/5