Is it possible to search a directory and output a text file listing every video file that has FLAC audio?
My television doesn't support FLAC so when I run into one I have been converting them with a FFMPEG script but it would be nice to be able to find them all in advance instead of waiting until I hit the problem while trying to play the files. I'm hoping there is a way that doesn't involve just opening every file in Mediainfo and checking manually.
Maybe there is a way to just output all of the Mediainfo information for a directory and then I can just find all FLAC occurrences in a csv sheet?
You can open all files in MediaInfo then export to CSV then open the CSV in a spreadsheet processor, or for a smaller output you can customize the output with the command line version of MediaInfo (see the download section on the MediaInfo website and download the CLI version) and a template file template.txt containing:
and this command line:
mediainfo --Output=file://template.txt --ParseSpeed=0 YourDir > List.txt
will contain a CSV file with complete file name in first column, then audio format per track (2nd column has 1st audio format, 3rd column has 2nd audio format...)
selects the template file.
reduces the parsing speed (no need of the extra info from a longer parsing).
is to be replaced by the directory name you want to scan.
> List.txt
sends the output to a file.