Here is the description of my problem.
I have a range of placeholder text and its associated values in a spreadsheet. The placeholder text also exists in a slide presentation which gets replaced using the replacealltext function. However, the colors in the spreadsheet for the values do not change. Please see the examples below.
Google Apps Script:
// Google Sheets
var masterSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = masterSheet.getSheetByName('Monthly Report'); //gets the data from the active pubfile
var range = sheet.getRange('S1:T110');
var data = range.getValues();
var titleName = sheet.getRange('AA14:AA14').getValues().toString();
data.shift(); //removes the headers in the sheets
// Creating the new slide
var spreadsheetID = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId(); //Ensure Code is applied to active Pubfile
var spreadsheetFolder = DriveApp.getFileById(spreadsheetID);
var parentFolder = spreadsheetFolder.getParents();
var folderID =;
var reportTemplate = DriveApp.getFileById('SLIDE ID'); // Gets the report Template
var copiedTemplate = reportTemplate.makeCopy(titleName, DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID)); //Makes a copy of the orginal and saves it in the specified folder
var newPresoID = copiedTemplate.getId();
var skeleton = SlidesApp.openById(newPresoID); //opens the new template presentation
var slides = skeleton.getSlides(); //calls the new slides
return newSlide1();
function newSlide1() {
var slide1new = slides[0]; // defining the location of the new slide 1
data.forEach(function (row) {
var templateVariable = row[0]; // First column contains variable names
var templateValue = row[1]; // Second column contains values
slide1new.replaceAllText(templateVariable, templateValue); //replaces all the text that matches the placeholders
As you can see, this code just replaces the value but does not bring in the source formatting.
Here are snapshots of the original spreadsheet data and the slides:
Destination Slide with Placeholders
Please suggest a way to fix this issue. Thank you!
Here is an example of applying the colors of a spreadsheet cell to the table cells of a slide.
My spreadsheet looks like this.
My slide looks like this.
function myFunction() {
try {
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.openById("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
let sheet = spread.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
let range = sheet.getRange(2,1,sheet.getLastRow()-1,2);
let values = range.getDisplayValues();
let colors = range.getFontColors();
let present = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();
let slide = present.getSlides()[0];
let table = slide.getTables()[0];
for( let i=0; i<table.getNumRows(); i++ ) {
let row = table.getRow(i);
for( let j=1; j<row.getNumCells(); j++ ) {
let text = row.getCell(j).getText();
values.some( (value,k) => {
let l = text.replaceAllText(value[0],value[1]);
if( l > 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
catch(err) {
And the final results look like this.