I am essentially making a text game of rock paper scissors vs the computer (random generated number) that stops when each player reaches 10 points for my class. I believe every time I call the compPick() function that it changes. This is problematic as the game is no longer works as intended.
#Rock, Paper, Scissors created by Manpreet Singh
from random import randint
userScore = 0
compScore = 0
def compPick(): #generates a rand num 1-3 then returns that as the corresponding option
guess = randint(1,3)
if guess == 1:
guess = 'Rock'
elif guess == 2:
guess = 'Paper'
guess = 'Scissors'
return guess
while userScore != 10 or compScore != 10:
userPick = input("Rock, Paper or Scissors: ")
print(compPick()) #print for debug
userPick = userPick.title()
if userPick == compPick():#Both pick the same
print("Draw! No points.")
elif userPick == 'Rock' and compPick()== 'Paper':
print(compPick()) #print for debug
compScore += 1
print(f"+1 point for computer! \nC:{compScore} U:{userScore}")
elif userPick == 'Paper' and compPick()== 'Rock':
userScore += 1
print(f"+1 point for computer! \nC:{compScore} U:{userScore}")
elif userPick == 'Rock' and compPick()== 'Scissors':
userScore += 1
print(f"+1 point for computer! \nC:{compScore} U:{userScore}")
elif userPick == 'Scissors' and compPick()== 'Rock':
print(compPick()) #print for debug
compScore += 1
print(f"+1 point for computer! \nC:{compScore} U:{userScore}")
elif userPick == 'Paper' and compPick()== 'Scissors':
print(compPick()) #print for debug
compScore += 1
print(f"+1 point for computer! \nC:{compScore} U:{userScore}")
elif userPick == 'Scissor' and compPick()== 'Paper':
userScore += 1
print(f"+1 point for computer! \nC:{compScore} U:{userScore}")
Create a variable that stores the compPick() result and use that to compare against the userPick. Otherwise you are correct, it will regenerate every time you call the compPick() function/method.