I'm trying out DiagrammeR to build some flowcharts and I'm interested in knowing whether I can include values from a secondary data frame (data pulled from a SQL database).
I'm using an example from the documentation and I want to add a random value from the Iris dataset.
I wish to add iris[2,4]
as a subtext to the ELEPHANT
node in my code below, is this possible?
digraph {
# graph attributes
graph [overlap = true]
# node attributes
node [shape = box,
fontname = Helvetica,
color = blue]
# edge attributes
edge [color = gray]
# node statements
F [color = black]
# node attributes
node [shape = circle,
fixedsize = true,
width = 0.9]
# node statements
1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8
# edge statements
A->1; B->2 // gray
B->3 [color = red] // red
B->4 // gray
C->A [color = green] // green
1->D; ELEPHANT->A; 2->4; 1->5; 1->F // gray
ELEPHANT->6; 4->6; 5->7; 6->7 // gray
3->8 [color = blue] // blue
I believe what I'm looking for is a parameterized diagram which is detailed here https://mikeyharper.uk/flowcharts-in-r-using-diagrammer/