I hava a form with WYSIWYG field and I use Quasar's q-editor
element. I want to add validation to that field with rules and styles similar to other fields like q-input
, q-select
Sample for q-input validation is:
<q-input v-model="model" label="Name" :rules="[val => !!val || 'Field is required']" />
This example for required WYSIWYG field doesn't work:
<q-editor v-model="editor" min-height="5rem" :rules="[val => !!val || 'Field is required']" />
There are similar questions here and here (with one posible solution).
Actually Quasar logic is to use q-field
wrapper element. Maybe it is a good idea to be added as desctription in q-editor
That I do is wrap q-editor
in q-field
. When q-editor
is in template #control
on q-field
, val
for validation val => !!val || 'Field is required'
is the content of q-editor
. Maybe the reason is that the v-model is same for the two elements.
The problem is when validation failed, then the border of the q-field
becomes red, and not of the q-editor
. For this problem I use solution from the second link in the question - added custom style to border of q-editor
and q-field
is borderless
<q-field ref="fieldRef" v-model="editor" label-slot borderless
:rules="[val => (!!val && val !== '<br>') || 'Field is required']" >
<template #label>Description</template>
<template #control>
<q-editor v-model="editor" min-height="5rem" class="full-width"
:style="fieldRef && fieldRef.hasError ? 'border-color: var(--q-negative)' : ''"/>
Here is the CodePen example.