I'm trying to hover a text and change the :display of another text to none, in order to make it disappear. I've used :onMouseOver, but it does not work because it needs this.value I think. So, any idea for how I can do that? I require inline CSS in this case.
This is what I have:
[:p {:onMouseOver #(rf/dispatch [:events/hover-feedback])} "hello"]
[:p {:style {:display @(rf/subscribe [::subs/hover-feedback])}} "world"]
And in events file:
(fn [db]
(assoc db :hover-feedback "none")))
In subs file:
(rf/reg-sub ::hover-feedback (fn [db] (get-in db [:hover-feedback]
I think you forgot one colon in the first :p
dispatch. Try this:
[:p {:on-mouse-over #(rf/dispatch [::events/hover-feedback])}
[:p {:style {:display @(rf/subscribe [::subs/hover-feedback])}}
Events (without change):
(fn [db]
(assoc db :hover-feedback "none")))
Subs (unnecessary get-in
(fn [db]
(:hover-feedback db)))