Using Koin3 for Java project. Currently I have to inject/get Koin instances in some Java Activities. But when I'm trying start an Activity with Koin injection, I get the following error: org.koin.core.error.NoBeanDefFoundException: No definition found for class [class_name]. Check your definitions!
. Any suggestions?
Usign the same injections in Kotlin ViewModel class works good as expected.
KoinApplication koin = KoinAndroidApplication
.logger(new AndroidLogger())
val appModule = module {
single <SettingsManagerInterface> { SettingsManager(androidContext()) }
factory <SystemServiceHelperInterface> { SystemServiceHelper(androidContext()) }
viewModel { SettingsViewModel(get(), get()) }
import static;
public class LoginActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private final SettingsManagerInterface settingsManager = get(SettingsManager.class);
private final SystemServiceHelperInterface serviceHelper = get(SystemServiceHelper.class);
Use the interface class with a definition in koin graph in your koin get()
calls, e.g. chante
private final SettingsManagerInterface settingsManager = get(SettingsManager.class);
private final SystemServiceHelperInterface serviceHelper = get(SystemServiceHelper.class);
private final SettingsManagerInterface settingsManager = get(SettingsManagerInterface.class);
private final SystemServiceHelperInterface serviceHelper = get(SystemServiceHelperInterface.class);