I try to parallelize this sequential and fail fast solution:
cellTowersPayload <- CellHintTransformer.createGoogleApiPayload(cellAndWifiHints.cellHints).mapError(mapRequirementsFailure)
googleMapsResultCellTowers <- googleMapsApi.call(cellTowersPayload)
wifiHintsPayload <- WlanHintTransformer.createGoogleApiPayload(cellAndWifiHints.wifiHints).mapError(mapRequirementsFailure)
googleMapsResultWifiHints <- googleMapsApi.call(wifiHintsPayload) // TODO paralleize with call cell towers
mappedResult <- mapResult(googleMapsResultCellTowers, googleMapsResultWifiHints)
yield mappedResult
The resulting solution should make the 2 calls in parallel and return both results (which may be success or failure each). So no fail fast if one of the calls fails
How do I do this idiomatic in ZIO?
So, there are two things here. You can do operations in parallel by using .fork
on the ZIO you want to parallelize and then do the join on those forked fibers.
The problem is that You need to somehow make sure both of them are executed even if the other fails, ZIO by default will cancel another fiber if one of fibers fails to minimize computations. We can use something like .either
to make sure that ZIO neve fails but instead returns Either[E, A]
So, we would do something like:
for {
zio1 <- firstOperation().fork().either
zio2 <- secondOperation().fork().either
result <- zio1.zip(zio2)
tupleResult <- result.join
} yield tupleResult