
ffmpeg - divide video into 2 pieces

Is it possible to visually split video into 2 pieces using ffmpeg? I have many videos which have to be splitted into 2 videos which first is clipped to 50% of width and second from 50% to the end.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • @Sark's solution works, but here are a couple single-command alternatives that you can try.

    First, you can combine these 2 runs into 1 (saving demuxing time):

    ffmpeg -i input -vf crop=w=iw/2:h=ih:0:0 output1 \
                    -vf crop=w=iw/2:h=ih:iw/2:0 output2

    Second, if frames need to be exactly halved, you can use untile followed by select:

    ffmpeg -i input \
           -filter_complex untile=2x1,select=mod(n\\\\,2)+1[vout1][vout2]
           -map [vout1] output1 \
           -map [vout2] output2