
Helm install tarantool-operator 0.0.10 problem: 404 not found

I'm trying to install tarantool-operator according to the official documentation "Tarantool Cartridge on Kubernetes": https://www.tarantool.io/ru/doc/latest/book/cartridge/cartridge_kubernetes_guide/#using-minikube

Execute command:

minikube start --memory 4096
helm repo add tarantool https://tarantool.github.io/tarantool-operator
helm search repo tarantool


NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
tarantool/tarantool-operator    0.0.10          1.16.0          kubernetes tarantool operator
tarantool/cartridge             0.0.10          1.0             A Helm chart for tarantool

Then I do:

helm install tarantool-operator tarantool/tarantool-operator --namespace tarantool --create-namespace --version 0.0.10

I get an error 404:

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to fetch https://tarantool.github.io/tarantool-operator/releases/download/tarantool-operator-0.0.10/tarantool-operator-0.0.10.tgz : 404 Not Found

Where am I wrong?

P.S. minikube version 1.27.0 on Windows 10 (Hyper-V)


  • tarantool-operator-0.0.10.tgz is not available for download(

    You can build it from source using

    make docker-build
    make push-to-minikube

    accoriding to the docs