I am having trouble intercepting 2 api's in the same spec file. The endpoints are
Issue: It captures the users response in ipuser json. Can someone please help on how to use regex in the endpoints.
cy.intercept('GET', '/client/users/ip_user', { fixture: 'ipuser.json' }).as('ipuser')
cy.intercept('GET', '/client/users', { fixture: 'users.json' }).as(
cy.wait('@ipuser').then((interception) => {
interception.response.body.data.attributes.limit = 10000
interception.response.body.data.attributes.amount = 10000
cy.writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(interception.response.body))
cy.intercept('GET', '/client/users/ip_user', {
fixture: 'ipuser.json',
You will use regex match your urls by the ending and will need to escape the slashes.
cy.intercept('GET', /\/client\/users\/ipuser$/, { fixture: 'ipuser.json' }).as('ipuser')
cy.intercept('GET', /\/client\/users$/, { fixture: 'users.json' }).as('user')