
How to override Next.js `*.svg` module declaration?

Next.js has recently made a modification (in v11.0.x) which has the following type definitions:

In next-env.d.ts (non-modifiable, regenerated at every build):

/// <reference types="next" />
/// <reference types="next/types/global" />
/// <reference types="next/image-types/global" />

In node_modules/next/image-types/global.d.ts (non-modifiable, don't wanna use patch-package):

declare module '*.svg' {
  const content: any
  export default content

Now the issue is that I am using @svgr/webpack, and as a result I need to do the following:

declare module '*.svg' {
  const content: React.FC<React.SVGAttributes<SVGElement>>
  export default content

Earlier placing this code in index.d.ts in the assets folder used to work. But now it doesn't and as result I am forced to cast every import separately. Any way to do this directly?


  • An alternative to replacing next-env.d.ts is to add an additional declarations file, e.g. additional.d.ts, as described in

    As noted in the docs, this file must be included in the include array of your tsconfig.json file, but I've found the order is important as well - the additional file must be included before next-env.d.ts.

    This seems to be because when there are multiple declarations for the same module containing default exports, the first declaration wins.

    // additional.d.ts
    declare module "*.svg" {
      import React from "react";
      const content: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>;
      export default content;
    // tsconfig.json
      "include": ["additional.d.ts", "next-env.d.ts"] // The order matters!

    This gives our preferred type for SVGs, whilst preserving the other desirable behaviour from next-env.d.ts.

    This seems preferable to simply replacing the built-in types file as the Next team have reserved the right to adjust the types in future, meaning the copied types would be need to manually be kept up-to-date, and this approach doesn't seem to be a documented approach.