I have a deep learning model which gives translation and rotation matrixes of my 3d object according to the camera as a result. I want to rotate and refine the object lets say 5 degrees on its x axis using python. what should I do?
rotation_matrix = [[ 0.99781346 -0.06608013 -0.00129879]
[ 0.00725005 0.12896627 -0.99162245]
[ 0.06569404 0.98944485 0.12916337]]
translation_matrix = [[-13.7971115]
[ -7.9274826]
[423.7128 ]]
thanks in advance
I have found the answer. you need to import scipy
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
### first transform the matrix to euler angles
r = Rotation.from_matrix(rotation_matrix)
angles = r.as_euler("zyx",degrees=True)
#### Modify the angles
angles[0] += 5
#### Then transform the new angles to rotation matrix again
r = Rotation.from_euler("zyx",angles,degrees=True)
new_rotation_matrix = new_r.as_matrix()