
Access nested JSON with unknown keys?

I have the following json data:


The list is very long, but you get the idea. What I want, is to look up for every object containing the id as23, and count how many of them have the status 1.

So, I am using this in HomeAssistant as a rest sensor, and my filter expression looks like this:

{{ value_json.results|selectattr("id", "==", "as23")|selectattr("status", "eq", 1)|list|length }}

My issue is: I don't know what the value of xxxxxx are, and they can differ, and still contain the id as23.
How to achieve this?


  • Building up on @β.εηοιτ.βε's answer, this can be achieved without json_query (in case you don't want to / can't pip install jmespath) using only core functions.

    Using the same assumed correct json structure as in @β.εηοιτ.βε's answer, the following task:

        - debug:
            msg: "{{ 
              value_json.results | 
              map('dict2items') | 
              map('map', attribute='value') |
              flatten |
              selectattr('id', '==', 'as23') |
              selectattr('status', '==', 1)


    TASK [debug] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "msg": [
                "id": "as23",
                "res": "xsd",
                "status": 1
                "id": "as23",
                "res": "kog",
                "status": 1
                "id": "as23",
                "res": "dox",
                "status": 1