
Powershell import of a CSV file with line break in the header

For a project i would need to export data from an .xlsm file data to a CSV file and then process it with powershell. I do the export manually. In the original file, there are line breaks in the headers, which are also transferred to the CSV file. My questions:

Attached is an example of what the original .xlsm file looks like. enter image description here

Update: Unfortunately, I do not know how to upload a file. Here is the content of an example CSV file:

Host name;Computer name old;IP-addr.;"IP-addr. 
CIDR Suffix";Static DNS entry;DNS alias;"vCPU Number 
[GB]";"Boot disk 

Screenshot from Notepad++ of the CSV file

Screenshot from Notepad++ of the CSV file


  • Can I export a specific sheet from an .xlsm with Powershell?

    Use the ImportExcel module, which you can install with Install-Module ImportExcel.
    See this answer for an example.

    How can I replace the line breaks with spaces?

    A simple - though not efficient - approach is to:

    Import-Csv yourFile.csv | # parse the CSV file into [pscustomobject]s
      ForEach-Object {        # process each object
        $oht = [ordered] @{} # create an aux. ordered hashtable
        foreach ($p in $_.psobject.Properties) { # loop over the object's properties 
         # add a name-value entry with the modified column (property) name.
          $oht[($p.Name -replace '\s+', ' ')] = $p.Value
        [pscustomobject] $oht # convert the hashtable to [pscustomobject] and output

    Pipe the above to Export-Csv or Export-Excel (from the ImportExcel module) in order to re-export the data back to a file, pipe it to another command, or capture the transformed objects in a variable ($objects = Import-Csv ...)
