I have 6 custom cells in my tableview. And each cells data I need to check whether user filled or not on action of Submit button and I need to pass those information to server if all the cells info filled because all cells are mandatory to fill before to send server. If anything user missed to fill, I must throw alert to fill that cell.
But, I am getting cell is nil if the cell is beyond screen.
@IBAction func submitBtnAction(_ sender: Any) {
let dictionary = self.fetchSelectedCellsInfo()
//call api here by passing dictionary
func fetchSelectedCellsInfo() -> [[String: String]] {
// self.appSurveyTableview.reloadData()
if eachIndexInfo.count > 0 {
for (index, item) in eachIndexInfo.enumerated() {
let cellId = activeCells[index]
let indexPath = IndexPath.init(row:index, section: 0)
switch cellId.identifier {
case .yesNoCell:
let yesNoCell = self.appSurveyTableview.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? YesNoTableViewCell
if let savedFlag = yesNoCell?.savedFlagValue, savedFlag.isEmpty == false {
} else {
self.showBasicAlert(title: "Please provide feedback for \(item.question ?? "") ", message: "")
case .TextWithCheckBoxesCell:
let textWithCheckBoxCell = self.appSurveyTableview.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? TextWithCheckBoxesTableViewCell
if let selectedOption = textWithCheckBoxCell?.selectedOption, selectedOption.isEmpty == false {
} else {
self.showBasicAlert(title: "Please provide feedback for \(item.question ?? "") ", message: "")
case .textWithRadioBtnsCell:
let textWithRadioBtnsCell = self.myTableview.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? TextWithRadioButtonsTableViewCell
if let selectedOption = textWithRadioBtnsCell?.selectedOption, selectedOption.isEmpty == false {
} else {
self.showBasicAlert(title: "Please provide feedback for \(item.question ?? "") ", message: "")
case .ratingCell:
let ratingCell = self.myTableview.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? RatingTableViewCell
if let labelText = ratingCell?.ratingTextLabel.text, labelText.isEmpty == false {
} else {
self.showBasicAlert(title: "Please provide feedback for \(item.question ?? "") ", message: "")
case .ratingWithTextBoxCell:
let ratingWithTextBoxCell = self.myTableview.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? RatingWithTextBoxTableViewCell
if let ratingTextLabelText = ratingWithTextBoxCell?.ratingTextLabel.text, let textViewText = ratingWithTextBoxCell?.textView.text, ratingTextLabelText.isEmpty == false && textViewText.isEmpty == false{
} else {
self.showBasicAlert(title: "Please provide feedback for \(item.question ?? "") ", message: "")
case .appTextBoxCell:
let textWithTextBoxCell = self.myTableview.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? TextboxTableCell
if let textViewText = textWithTextBoxCell?.textView.text, textViewText.isEmpty == false {
} else {
self.showBasicAlert(title: "Please provide feedback for \(item.question ?? "") ", message: "")
case .none:
return selectedArrDictionary
How to access all cells info? Any suggestions?
I have fixed the issue by myself by storing cells info into singleton class.
class Manager {
public static let shared = Manager()
public var ratingSelectedText = String()
public var textBoxSelectedText = String()
public var ratingWithTextboxText = String()
public var textWithCheckBoxSelectedText = String()
public var radioButtonsSelectedText = String()
public var textWithTextBoxText = String()
public var yesNoSelectedText = String()
And storing them in corresponding cells and accessing them in submit button action. Now working fine as expected even beyond cells are getting.
Thank you all who gave suggestions.