
azure function app (python) - How to check package versions in function app

We are working on building micro services using azure python function app, after deploying code to function app , is there way to quickly check versions of python packages used in function app ?

Thank you Dyanesh


  • If it is the Python Version check in Azure Function App, you can use the below cmdlet taken from MS Doc:

    az functionapp show -n HarisFunAppPython -g HariTestRG --query "siteConfig.linuxFxVersion"
    az functionapp config show --name HarisFunAppPython --resource-group HariTestRG --query 'linuxFxVersion'

    enter image description here

    If it is the python installed packages using pip, then use the command pip list: enter image description here

    To check the installed packages in Function App after deploying, Go to the Azure Function App > App Files > requirements.txt

    enter image description here

    Or Go to the Kudu Site of the Function app > Bash > Navigate to the below path to see the installed packages list of the deployed Function App:

    enter image description here