
Php Sanitize and Validate form with some character exceptions

I'm using in Php Sanitize and Validate Filters but I have problems to add some rules, I have some basic knowledge of php so I think this question is easy for you.

if ($_POST['ccp_n'] != "") {
            $ccp = filter_var($_POST['ccp_n'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
            if (!filter_var($ccp, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
                $errors .= 'Insert a valid code.<br/>';
        } else {
            $errors .= 'Insert a code.<br/>';

I need to add a minimum and maximum number of characters (14-15) and I want to accept this characters ( - or space ) .The exact sequence is 0000-0000-0000 (the last four digits could be 5 too



  • You can use preg_match and apply a regular expression.

    preg_match ( string $pattern , string $TestString) See here in detail

    The pattern is the problem. You need to define in detail what is allowed.

    For example, the pattern:


    would be the whole string from start ^ to the end $. 4 digits, hyphen, 4 digits, hyphen, 4 to 5 digits.

    See it here on Regexr


    I added the D modifier to the end, otherwise the $ not only match to the end of the string, but also before a newline as last character in the string. See here for php modifiers in detail