i've 3 tables Branches,Subjects,Teachers
Branches and subjects already many to many.
i've CRUD for teacher,when i create teacher i insert info to user model to add new user with type teacher.
i want to make relation to allow me combine teachers/branches/subjects.
for example when i'm creating teacher i need to select branch/branches and subject/subjects that this teacher related to.
any hint allows me to do this ?
i it convert for you
If I get it right, you have established the many-to-many-relationships between every two of the three models
(Teacher, Branche & Subject).
Instead, you should establish the many-to many between any two models
of your choice and treat the third model as a pivot. For example:
class Teacher extends Model
public function branches()
return $this->belongsToMany(Branche::class)->withPivot('subject');
class Branche extends Model
public function teachers()
return $this->belongsToMany(Teacher::class)->withPivot('subject');
} }
@foreach($teachers as $teacher)
@foreach($teacher->branches as $branc)
{{ $branc->name }} {{ $branc->pivot->subject }}