
how to Find the password of all wlan via netsh

I want to find out the name of all my wlan along with their password:

ssid : password

With the search I made, I realized that it is possible to extract passwords individually with netsh But I need a batch script to get the name of each wlan, and extract and display the password for each name For example, I want the output to be like this:

ModemN1 :  123987654af
IsntModem : PASSw0rd!23

If you have another solution besides netsh, please tell me

can find all wlan profile:

C:> netsh wlan show profile

Profiles on interface Wi-Fi:

Group policy profiles (read only)

User profiles
    All User Profile     : ModemN1
    All User Profile     : IsntModem

It should extract two ModemN1, IsntModem strings here And for each of these strings, put the strings in this command: netsh wlan show profile <WLAN_NAME> key=clear

C:> netsh wlan show profile IsntModem key=clear

Profile IsntModem on interface Wi-Fi:

Applied: All User Profile

Profile information
    Version                : 1
    Type                   : Wireless LAN
    Name                   : IsntModem
    Control options        :
        Connection mode    : Connect automatically
        Network broadcast  : Connect even if this network is not broadcasting
        AutoSwitch         : Do not switch to other networks
        MAC Randomization  : Disabled

Connectivity settings
    Number of SSIDs        : 1
    SSID name              : "IsntModem"
    Network type           : Infrastructure
    Radio type             : [ Any Radio Type ]
    Vendor extension          : Not present

Security settings
    Authentication         : WPA2-Personal
    Cipher                 : CCMP
    Authentication         : WPA2-Personal
    Cipher                 : GCMP
    Security key           : Present
    Key Content            : PASSw0rd!23

Cost settings
    Cost                   : Unrestricted
    Congested              : No
    Approaching Data Limit : No
    Over Data Limit        : No
    Roaming                : No
    Cost Source            : Default

and extract the password from here

Thank you for helping me ❤


  • I'm sure this has been parsed before though couldn't find a duplicate for it, you can give this a try, seems to work fairly well:

    netsh wlan show profile |
        Select-String '(?<=All User Profile\s+:\s).+' |
        ForEach-Object {
            $wlan = $_.Matches.Value
            $passw = netsh wlan show profile $wlan key=clear |
                Select-String '(?<=Key Content\s+:\s).+'
                Name     = $wlan
                Password = $passw.Matches.Value

    For the regex descriptions: