How can I rewrite response headers within the apache2 conf? Is this even possible? We are using apache2 for legacy services which connects to a service behind an envoy proxy.
Envoy always set the response and request header to lower-case. Their solution with preserve case format doesn't work, because they don't respect the source header.
I expect a responseheader like
"DockingStation_One: 44"
envoy does
"dockingstation_one: 44"
with their preserve case format i get
"Dockingstation_one: 44"
My idea was to rewrite the header either with mod_rewrite or mod_headers in apache2 before it send the response to the client. Sadly nothing works as expected.
My latest setting:
<Location /my/service/v2>
RewriteEngine on
# 1. Save the current value in env var (Case of header name does not matter)
SetEnvIf dockingstation_one(.*) HEADER_VALUE=$1
# 2. Delete the current header (Case of header name does not matter)
Header unset "dockingstation_one" env=HEADER_VALUE
# 3. Recreate header with the required case (Case of header name is preserved)
# env=HEADER_VALUE ensures the header is only set if it was set to begin with
Header set "DockingStation_One" %{DOCKINGSTATION_ONE}e env=HEADER_VALUE
ProxyPass "http://service.go:8090/v2"
ProxyPassReverse "http://service.go:8090/v2"
Nevermind. My whole syntax was wrong. My fix looks like this:
Header always set "DockingStation_One" "expr=%{resp:dockingstation_one}"