
Cypress: login through magic link error with cy.origin()

Devs at my startup have switched login to a magic link system, in which you get inside after clicking a link on the email body.

I have set up a Mailsac email to receive mails containing magic links but I haven't been able to actually follow those links because of the following:

enter image description here

  method: "GET",
  url: "",
  headers: {
    "Mailsac-Key": "here-goes-the-key",
}).then((res) => {
  const magicLink = res.body[0].links[0];
  cy.origin(magicLink, () => {

I wasn't able to use cy.visit() either because the magic link URL is slightly different from the baseURL in this testing environment.

So my question is: How could I follow this cumbersome link to find myself logged in home, or else, is there another way to deal with magic links?



  • The docs say

    A URL specifying the secondary origin in which the callback is to be executed. This should at the very least contain a hostname, and may also include the protocol, port number & path. Query params are not supported.

    Not sure if this means the cy.visit() argument should not have query params, of just the cy.origin() parameter.

    Try passing in the link

    }).then((res) => {
      const magicLink = res.body[0].links[0];
      const magicOrigin = new URL(magicLink).origin
      cy.origin(magicOrigin, { args: { magicLink } }, ({ magicLink }) => {

    If that doesn't fix it, you could try using cy.request() but you'll have to observe where the token is stored after using the magicLink.

    }).then((res) => {
      const magicLink = res.body[0].links[0];
      cy.request(magicLink).then(response =>
        const token = response???   // find out where the auth token ends up
        cy.setCookie(name, value)   // for example