We have a PySpark dataframe containing rate codes that we have to use to give discounted offers to our customers.
-ratecode - Actual rate code
-weeklyrate - weekly dollar amount that the customer will pay
-area - area of residence
-frequency -
-offer1 - The first discounted offer to customer
-offer2 - The second discounted offer to customer
The problem is to find the closest "ratecode" corresponding to "offer1" (and save it as "offer1Ratecode") and "offer2" (saving as "offer2Ratecode").
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[('R1', 5.5, 4.4, 3.85),
('R2', 6.2, 4.96, 4.34),
('R3', 7.5, 6.0, 5.25),
('R4', 5.6, 4.48, 3.92),
('R5', 7.3, 5.84, 5.11),
('R6', 8.4, 6.72, 5.88),
('R7', 9.1, 7.28, 6.37),
('R8', 6.8, 5.44, 4.76)],
['ratecode', 'weeklyrate', 'offer1', 'offer2'])
One way would be using crossJoin
and groupBy
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
def closest(col):
return F.array_sort(F.collect_list(F.struct(
F.abs(F.col(f'b.{col}') - F.col('a.weeklyrate')).alias('diff'),
df = df.select('weeklyrate', 'ratecode').alias('a').crossJoin(df.alias('b'))
df = df.groupBy(*[f'b.{c}' for c in df.select('b.*').columns]).agg(
# +--------+----------+------+------+--------------+--------------+
# |ratecode|weeklyrate|offer1|offer2|offer1Ratecode|offer2Ratecode|
# +--------+----------+------+------+--------------+--------------+
# | R3| 7.5| 6.0| 5.25| R2| R1|
# | R2| 6.2| 4.96| 4.34| R1| R1|
# | R1| 5.5| 4.4| 3.85| R1| R1|
# | R4| 5.6| 4.48| 3.92| R1| R1|
# | R7| 9.1| 7.28| 6.37| R5| R2|
# | R6| 8.4| 6.72| 5.88| R8| R4|
# | R8| 6.8| 5.44| 4.76| R1| R1|
# | R5| 7.3| 5.84| 5.11| R4| R1|
# +--------+----------+------+------+--------------+--------------+
Another could be using window functions and transform
from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window as W
def closest(col):
return F.array_sort(F.transform(
F.collect_list(F.struct('weeklyrate', 'ratecode')).over(W.orderBy()),
lambda x: F.struct(
F.abs(F.col(col) - x['weeklyrate']).alias('diff'),
df = df.select('*', closest('offer1'), closest('offer2'))
# +--------+----------+------+------+--------------+--------------+
# |ratecode|weeklyrate|offer1|offer2|offer1Ratecode|offer2Ratecode|
# +--------+----------+------+------+--------------+--------------+
# | R1| 5.5| 4.4| 3.85| R1| R1|
# | R2| 6.2| 4.96| 4.34| R1| R1|
# | R3| 7.5| 6.0| 5.25| R2| R1|
# | R4| 5.6| 4.48| 3.92| R1| R1|
# | R5| 7.3| 5.84| 5.11| R4| R1|
# | R6| 8.4| 6.72| 5.88| R8| R4|
# | R7| 9.1| 7.28| 6.37| R5| R2|
# | R8| 6.8| 5.44| 4.76| R1| R1|
# +--------+----------+------+------+--------------+--------------+