
How to remove slot-scope in vue2.7

I upgraded my vue application to vue2.7 and I want to remove slot-scope from my application as it is removed in vue3. So in the examples, I see this for vue2:

  <template slot="heading" slot-scope="slotProps">
    <h1>My Heading for {{ slotProps.items.length }} items</h1>

In Vue 3 it is changed to this:

  <template v-slot:heading="slotProps">
    <h1>My Heading for {{ slotProps.items.length }} items</h1>

So in my application slot-scope is used in default:

<template slot-scope="scope">

So how can I remove slot-scope from my application and also for vue2.7, will it be supported?


  • slot-scope was deprecated in Vue2 and will never return back (even in Vue3), the syntax has just changed.

    So rather than writing this: slot-scope="slotProps" you need to have the following #default="slotProps".

    All the details are available here:

    # being a shorthand for v-slot as explained here: