I updated my angular project to angular 14. Now I want to have some standalone components
, pipes
, or directives
I have a featured module named ProductModule and want to use a standalone pipe called uppercase in this module.
// structure
My uppercase pipe
name: 'uppercase',
standalone: true,
export class UppercasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string {
in product.component.html
{{'Javascript Addicted' |uppercase}}
get the following error:
No pipe found with name 'uppercase' product.component.ts(6, 39): Error occurs in the template of component ProductComponent.
This problem will be solved if I add standalone: true
to the product.component and remove the ProductComponent from declarations array.
You need to add the UppercasePipe to the imports
of product.module.ts.
imports: [/*some import*/, UppercasePipe],
/* other stuff*/
export class ProductModule {}