
Set transform and size of <use> to allow it to be saved as .svg files correctly for editing

I created an <svg> element with JavaScript, here are my codes:

<svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
    <svg id="stroke_carrot" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="0px" height="0px">
        <path d="M30 13c-1-3-5-4-7-2h-1l1-11h-3l-1 
                                    9-4-7-3 1 5 8-8-4-1 2 9 5h-1c-2 
                                    2-3 5-2 7l2 2 5-3 1 2-5 3 8 9 5-3 
                                    2 2-5 3 12 14 3-2-8-25-5 3-1-2 5-3-3-8">

    <pattern id="myPat" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="88" height="88" patternTransform="translate(0,0) rotate(0)">
        <use width="44" height="44" xlink:href="#stroke_carrot"  style="transform: translate3d(40px, 0px, 0px) rotate(80deg);"></use>
        <use width="44" height="44" xlink:href="#stroke_carrot" style="transform: translate3d(60px, 0px, 0px) rotate(50deg);"></use>
  <rect x="0px" y="0px" width="300px" height="200px" fill="url(#myPat)"> </rect>


The <svg> looks like this on the webpage, you can run the codes to see it.

SVG on the webpate

Then I save this <svg> element as .svg file, and open it in Adobe Illustrator to edit it. It becomes different, like this:

SVG in Adobe Illustrator

Apparently, the transform attributes (position and rotation) do not work. Do you know how to make the transform work? I want to save the <svg> element to a same looking .svg file that I can edit in Adobe Illustrator.

I tried to use x= and y= to set the position in the codes, then it works in the Illustrator. For the rotation I don't find a way to do. Also, since the other features of my site are not compatible with x and y (see this question), so I still hope I could be able to use transform to achieve it.


  • You can apply transform attributes directly to <use> elements.

    Besides, nested svgs usually cause a lot of troubles for vector graphic applications – so be careful!

    Example – tested in AI cs6 (so quite old..) and inkscape

    <svg width="300px" height="200px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
            <path id="stroke_carrot" 
            d="M30 13c-1-3-5-4-7-2h-1l1-11h-3l-1 
            9-4-7-3 1 5 8-8-4-1 2 9 5h-1c-2 
            2-3 5-2 7l2 2 5-3 1 2-5 3 8 9 5-3 
            2 2-5 3 12 14 3-2-8-25-5 3-1-2 5-3-3-8">
        <pattern id="myPat" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="88" height="88" >
            <use fill="orange" href="#stroke_carrot" xlink:href="#stroke_carrot" transform="rotate(80 45 25) translate(20 0)" />
            <use fill="blue" href="#stroke_carrot" xlink:href="#stroke_carrot" transform="rotate(50 65 25) translate(40 0)" />
      <rect x="0px" y="0px" width="300px" height="200px" fill="url(#myPat)"> </rect>

    Some common practices for standalone or editable svgs