
What is the proper way to use Graphql JSON Scalar in Rails?

I have a type that looks like this:

module Types
  class LeadType < Types::BaseObject
    graphql_name 'Lead'
    description 'A lead data query selection'
    field :first_name, String, null: true
    field :last_name, String, null: true
    field :email, String, null: true
    field :gender, String, null: true
    field :errors, [String], null: true
    field :success, String, null: true
    field :lead, Types::LeadType, null: true

    field :home_data, GraphQL::Types::JSON, null: false

Note how I have field :home_data, GraphQL::Types::JSON, null: false

Now, when pulling my query data, it's a raw JSON like so:


Now I am able to query my data without the field:home_data, GraphQL::Types::JSON enter image description here

But when I add the homeData to playground I have this error:

enter image description here

Now, I need the field :home_data, GraphQL::Types::JSON, null: false to display the:


How I am able to achieve this using GraphQL::Types::JSON?


  • null: false means the field is non-nullable. This means that the field will never be nil. If the implementation returns nil, GraphQL-Ruby will return an error to the client

    So if your request contains homeData field - your data must contain home_data JSON. But it doesn't. You have home key, not home_data