I'm trying to use params on the header of my Image details screen! Here's a brief explanation.
My user enters an input, I call an api and display the info on the screen:
<View style={styles.viewpic}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.navigate('ImageDetails',
height: 104,
Then, the user clicks on the chosen data, displayed on the screen, and my app navigates to the details page:
export default function ImageDetails({navigation}) {
<View style={styles.descriptionBox}>
<Text style={styles.imageDet}>Description:{" "}
this is the navigation folder I have:
const screens = {
Home: {
screen: Home,
navigationOptions:{ headerShown: false}
ImageDetails: {
screen: ImageDetails,
navigationOptions: () => {
headerTitle: () => <Header/>,
const HomeStack = createStackNavigator(screens);
export default createAppContainer(HomeStack);
plus the HEADER component that I'm trying to use in the header navigation (top of the screen):
export default function Header({navigation}) {
<View style={styles.descriptionBox}>
<Text style={styles.imageDet}>Params here!</Text>
Here is what the Image detail screen looks like:
I tried a few different combos but I keep on getting the error: "cant read params"
Some of the things I tried:
export default function Header({navigation}) {
<View style={styles.descriptionBox}>
<Text style={styles.imageDet}>Test:{navigation.getParam('item')}
Homestack component:
const screens = {
Home: {
screen: Home,
navigationOptions:{ headerShown: false}
ImageDetails: {
screen: ImageDetails,
navigationOptions: ({navigation}) => {
headerTitle: () => <Header navigation=
const HomeStack = createStackNavigator(screens);
export default createAppContainer(HomeStack);
I also have read the documentation but I'm not sure how I would insert the "Navigation.push" with params here.
Thanks for your help!
try using the existent image details page instead of creating a new one!
ImageDetails: {
screen: ImageDetails,
navigationOptions: ({navigation}) => {
headerTitle: () => {