from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
pipe4 = Pipeline([('ss', StandardScaler()), ('clf', knn)])
grid2 = GridSearchCV(pipe4, {'clf':[ knn, LogisticRegression()]}), y_train)
I made a knn classifier and logistic regression model and wanted to check which model is better through pipeline method.
as you can see the code above I put the knn only in the pipe4 but in grid search, both knn and logsistic regression are working and I could check the result
does it mean I can add the models in Gridseacrh even though I put the one model in pipeline?
Sure. As long as the estimator given to the GridSearchCV
(in your example: pipe4
) supports the parameters passed to param_grid
(in your example: 'clf'
), you can pass any values to the estimator's parameters in the grid search (in your example: [knn, LogisticRegression()]