
XML Parsing Error while Upgrading Custom Module

I'm new in Odoo. Created a simple custom module. It was working fine till when I've splitted xml file into two. Its giving below error while trying to upgrade my custom module:

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Odoo\Odoo_15\odoo\odoo\http.py", line 643, in _handle_exception
    return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception)
  File "D:\Odoo\Odoo_15\odoo\odoo\http.py", line 301, in _handle_exception
    raise exception.with_traceback(None) from new_cause
odoo.tools.convert.ParseError: while parsing file:/d:/odoo/odoo_15/custom_addons/om_hospital/views/menu.xml:17, somewhere inside
<menuitem id="menu_patient" name="Patient" action="action_hospital_patient" parent="menu_patient_master" sequence="0"/>

Here are codes:


    'name': 'Custom Hospital Management by Milon',
    'version': '1.0.0',
    'category': 'Hospital Maanagement',
    'author': 'Milon Sarker',
    'summary': 'Its a custom system',
    'description': 'Its a custom system bro',
    'depends': [],
    'data': [
    'installable': True,
    'auto_install': False,
    'application': True,
    'sequence': -100

model : patient.py:

from odoo import api, fields, models

class hospitalPatient(models.Model):
    _name = 'hospital.patient'
    _description = 'Hospital Patient'
    name = fields.Char(string = 'Name')
    age = fields.Integer(string = "Age")
    gender = fields.Selection([('male','Male'), ('female', 'Female')], string = "Gender")


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <menuitem id = "menu_hospital_root"
              name = "Hospital"
              sequence = "0"
    <menuitem id = "menu_patient_master"
              name = "Patient Details"
              parent = "menu_hospital_root"
              sequence = "0"
    <menuitem id="menu_patient"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <record id = "action_hospital_patient" model = "ir.actions.act_window">
        <field name="name">Patients</field>
        <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
        <field name="res_model">hospital.patient</field>
        <field name="view_mode">tree,form,</field>
        <field name="context">{}</field>
        <field name="help" type = "html">
            <p class = "o_view_nocontent_smiling_face">
                Create your first patient!


  • From menuitem documentation:

    if specified, the action attribute should be the external id of an action to execute when the menu is open.

    Use the external id in the last menu item for the action:


    When loading the menu item, odoo will try to get the action database id if the action is set and valid.

    You should load the menu.xml after the patient_view.xml, update the data entry in the manifest file to the following:

    'data': [