
After upgrading vapor-cli, Laravel vapor deploy still fails "you are using an outdated version of Vapor CLI"

i'm trying to deploy my laravel vapor application from my computer, as I always do. But yesterday a got an error:

Whoops! There were some problems with your request. "You are using an outdated version of Vapor CLI. Please update to the latest version before deploying."

So I updated laravel/vapor-cli from 1.43 to 1.44 (latest now) But the deployment still fails at the same point.
Tried: composer dump-autoload, composer remove vapor-cli and require again (updated) but always fails at the same point.

I use docker runtime.

The deployment builds the project ok

deploy ok till here

but fails "pushing container image"

==> Pushing Container Image
The push refers to repository []
5485100749ee: Preparing
2042d777ff6d: Preparing
bfd1896d-0d92-4b72-a8f8-fde92c3ee108: digest: sha256:823b239d4445957e8f7bff478e86c18b023c4d5f7edf9c7339c2e532e67c4780 size: 5557

Whoops! There were some problems with your request.

- You are using an outdated version of Vapor CLI. Please update to the latest version before deploying.

deployment message error

Any ideas on how to solve this situation?


  • As Laravel Vapor documentation says here

    I updated the "local" vapor-cli package.

    Once I also updated the "global" package, the deployment finished successfully.

    composer global require laravel/vapor-cli --update-with-dependencies

    Laravel vapor documentation