
Get a match when there are duplicate letters in a string

I have a list of inputs in google sheets,

Input Desired Output "To demonstrate only not an input" The repeated letters
Outdoors Match o
dog No Match
step No Match
bee Match e
Chessboard Match s
Cookbooks Match o, k

How do I verify if all letters are unique in a string without splitting it?

In other words if the string has one letter or more occurred twice or more, return TRUE

My process so far

I tried this solution in addition to splitting the string and dividing the length of the string on the COUNTA of unique letters of the string, if = 1 "Match", else "No match"

Or using regex
I found a method to match a letter is occure in a string 2 times this demonstration with REGEXEXTRACT But wait what needed is get TRUE when the letters are not unique in the string




Something like this would do


OR like this



More examples

Input Desired Output
Professionally Match
Attractiveness Match
Uncontrollably Match
disreputably No Match
Recommendation Match
Interrogations Match
Aggressiveness Match
doublethinks No Match


  • You are explicitly asking for an answer using a single regular expression. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a backreference to a former capture group using RE2. So if you'd spell out the answer to your problem it would look like:


    Since you are looking for case-insensitive matching (?i) modifier will help to cut down the options to just the 26 letters of the alphabet. I suppose the above can be written a bit neater like:


    EDIT 1:

    The only other reasonable way to do this (untill I learned about the PREG supported syntax of the matches clause in QUERY() by @DoubleUnary) with a single regex other than the above is to create your own UDF in GAS (AFAIK). It's going to be JavaScript based thus supporting a backreferences. GAS is not my forte, but a simple example could be:

    function REGEXMATCH_JS(s) {
      if ( {
      } else {
        return /([a-z]).*?\1/gi.test(s);

    The pattern ([a-z]).*?\1 means:

    The match is global and case-insensitive. You can now call:


    EDIT 2:

    For those that are benchmarking speed, I am not testing this myself but maybe this would speed things up:






    Respectively. Knowing there is a header in 1st row.