Sorry for the awkward phrasing. Seeing the example below will probably answer all your questions.
So the scenario is that I want to observe a stream of values and collect all the values up until I witness a value. But I also want that value I've witnessed to be added to the colleciton.
So in the example, I'm showing I missing the value 'lastPage'
I made this in a playground in XCode 13.4.1
import Foundation
import Combine
var subj = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let cancel = subj.prefix{
$0 != "LastPage"
.collect(.byTime(DispatchQueue(label: "Test"), .seconds(3)))
.sink {
print("complete: \($0)")
} receiveValue: {
print("received: \($0)")
let strings = [
for i in (0..<strings.count) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(i)) {
let s = strings[i]
print("sending \(s)")
/* this prints the following
sending !@#$
sending ZXCV
sending LastPage
received: ["!@#$", "ZXCV"] <<<< I want this array to include 'LastPage'
complete: finished
sending ASDF
You can use scan
and first(where:)
let cancel = subj
.scan([String]()) { $0 + [$1] }
.first { $0.last == "LastPage" }
.sink {
print("complete: \($0)")
} receiveValue: {
print("received: \($0)")