I am trying to vizualize a large network with pyvis
and facing two problems:
Disabling physics with toggle_physics(False)
helps to speed up rendering and makes the network static, but eliminates the layout settings. This is how it looks agter disabling physics:
link. As you see, the graph is messy and has no structure.
What I want to do is to disable physics but keep the layout settings, i.e. I want my graph to look like a normal network (e.g. similar to spring layout in networkX
) with weights taken into account for every edge. Is there a way to do so?
So far I found out that pyvis
only has hierarchial layouts, which is not what I need. I think integrating a networkX
layout might help but I have no idea how to do this, since networkX
allows to set layout as a keyword argument in nx.draw()
function, which is not compatible with my case. This is my code in case it helps to understand my problem:
g = nx.Graph()
edges_cards = cards_weights_df.values.tolist()
net = Network("1000px", "1800px")
Your help is appreciated!
It is possible to pass x
and y
coordinates to your pyvis nodes (see doc here).
You can then create a graph layout with networkx and pass the resulting positions to your pyvis graph. See example below with nx.circular_layout()
applied to the karate club network:
import networkx as nx
from pyvis.network import Network
G = nx.karate_club_graph()
net = Network()
for node in net.get_nodes():
net.get_node(node)['y']=-pos[node][1] #the minus is needed here to respect networkx y-axis convention
net.get_node(node)['label']=str(node) #set the node label as a string so that it can be displayed
Here is the result with circular layout:
and without any specific layout:
import networkx as nx
from pyvis.network import Network
G = nx.karate_club_graph()
net = Network()
for node in net.get_nodes():